How to use Negation in Darija or the “NOT” word.
unlike “Not” in english, in darija Also we use Negation by adding a letter in the begging and an other at the end. “ma” “م” in the beging of the word and “ch” “ش” at the end.
khadam = Working MAkhadamCH = Not Working |
we have a proverbe say “start with MA you live happy” “سبق الميم تعيش هاني” , means all the time start with not to live happy, like I don’t know, I don’t have, …
some example of negation
English | Darija | Moroccan | En Negation | Dr Negation | Moroccan | En synonym | Dr synonym |
tall | tawil | طويل | not tall | MAtwilCH | ماطويلش | short | ksir |
coming | jay | جاي | not comig | MAjayCH | ماجايش | ||
red | hemer | حمر | not red | MAhemerCH | ماحمرش | ||
Hight | aali | عالي | Not hight | MAaaliCH | ماعاليش | ||
Sleeping | naaess | ناعس | Not sleeping | MAnaaessCH | ماناعسش | awake | fayek |
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