Morocco dynasties

Morocco has been ruled by several dynasties throughout its history. Here’s an overview of the major dynasties that have shaped Moroccan history:

1. Idrisid Dynasty (788–974)

  • Founder: Idris I
  • Overview: The Idrisid Dynasty was the first Islamic dynasty to rule Morocco. Idris I, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, established the dynasty in the 8th century. The Idrisids played a key role in the early spread of Islam in Morocco and were instrumental in founding the city of Fez.
  • End: The dynasty was eventually overthrown by the Fatimids and other regional powers.

2. Almoravid Dynasty (1040–1147)

  • Founder: Yusuf ibn Tachfin
  • Overview: The Almoravid Dynasty was a Berber dynasty that originated in the Sahara. They expanded their rule into Morocco, Spain, and Western Algeria. The Almoravids are known for their military conquests and for establishing Marrakesh as a major city.
  • End: The Almoravids were succeeded by the Almohads due to internal strife and military defeats.

3. Almohad Dynasty (1121–1269)

  • Founder: Ibn Tumart
  • Overview: The Almohad Dynasty succeeded the Almoravids and was also a Berber dynasty. They established a large empire stretching across North Africa and Spain. The Almohads are known for their emphasis on religious reform and their promotion of a strict form of Sunni Islam.
  • End: The Almohads declined due to internal divisions and pressure from emerging local powers.

4. Marinid Dynasty (1269–1465)

  • Founder: Abu Yusuf Yaqub
  • Overview: The Marinid Dynasty emerged from the remnants of the Almohad rule. They are known for their contributions to Moroccan culture and architecture, including the development of the city of Fez and the construction of many significant buildings.
  • End: The dynasty weakened due to internal conflicts and external pressures, eventually being succeeded by the Wattasids.
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5. Wattasid Dynasty (1465–1554)

  • Founder: Muhammad al-Sheikh
  • Overview: The Wattasid Dynasty emerged after the fall of the Marinids and ruled over Morocco during a period of political fragmentation. Their rule was marked by internal strife and conflict with the Portuguese and Ottoman Empires.
  • End: The dynasty was eventually replaced by the Saadian Dynasty.

6. Saadian Dynasty (1554–1659)

  • Founder: Muhammad al-Sadiq
  • Overview: The Saadian Dynasty is known for its resistance against Portuguese colonial expansion and for its patronage of the arts and architecture. The Saadians were instrumental in the defense of Morocco and in restoring stability to the country.
  • End: The Saadian Dynasty was succeeded by the Alaouite Dynasty after internal conflicts and external pressures.

7. Alaouite Dynasty (1666–present)

  • Founder: Sharif Moulay al-Rashid
  • Overview: The Alaouite Dynasty is the current ruling dynasty of Morocco. It claims descent from the Prophet Muhammad and has been instrumental in shaping modern Morocco. The Alaouites have overseen significant reforms, modernization efforts, and have maintained relative political stability.
  • Current Monarch: King Mohammed VI, who has been reigning since 1999.


Each dynasty has left a significant mark on Moroccan history, contributing to the country’s cultural, political, and social development. The Alaouite Dynasty, the current ruling dynasty, continues to play a central role in Morocco’s modern era.

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