Is hashish legal in Morocco?

Hashish, which is a form of cannabis, is illegal in Morocco. Despite this, Morocco is one of the world’s largest producers of cannabis, and hashish is widely available in certain areas, particularly in the Rif Mountains.

Legal Status:

  • Illegal: Possession, use, and trafficking of hashish are illegal in Morocco. The Moroccan government has strict drug laws, and penalties for being caught with hashish can include heavy fines and imprisonment.
  • Enforcement: While enforcement can vary, particularly in remote areas where cannabis is cultivated, tourists should be aware that Moroccan authorities do take drug laws seriously, and getting caught with hashish can lead to significant legal trouble.

Recent Developments:

  • Medical and Industrial Use: In 2021, Morocco passed a law legalizing the cultivation of cannabis for medical, cosmetic, and industrial use in specific regions. However, this does not legalize recreational use, and the laws around personal possession remain strict.

Advice for Tourists:

  • Avoid Involvement: It’s strongly advised not to engage in the purchase, use, or transportation of hashish while in Morocco. The legal consequences can be severe, and tourists are not exempt from the law.
  • Be Aware of Scams: In tourist areas, some locals might offer hashish to tourists, but this can sometimes be part of a scam or a setup for extortion by corrupt officials.


Hashish is illegal in Morocco, and possessing or using it can result in serious legal consequences. Despite its availability, it is advisable to avoid any involvement with hashish while in the country.