morocco religion before islam?

Before the arrival of Islam in the 7th century, the religious landscape of Morocco was diverse, reflecting the influences of various cultures and civilizations that had settled or passed through the region. Here are the primary religions practiced in Morocco before Islam:

1. Indigenous Berber Beliefs:

  • Animism and Polytheism: The indigenous Berber people practiced animism and polytheism, worshipping a variety of gods, spirits, and natural elements. Their beliefs were deeply tied to nature, with veneration of the sun, moon, stars, and other natural forces.
  • Ancestor Worship: Ancestor worship and reverence for the spirits of the dead were also common among the Berber tribes.

2. Punic Religion:

  • Phoenician Influence: With the establishment of Carthaginian colonies along the Moroccan coast, particularly in places like modern-day Tangier and Tetouan, the Punic religion spread. This religion was closely related to the Phoenician religion and included the worship of gods like Baal and Tanit.
  • Syncretism: The influence of the Punic religion often blended with local Berber beliefs, leading to syncretic practices.

3. Roman and Hellenistic Religions:

  • Roman Pantheon: After Morocco became part of the Roman Empire (as the province of Mauretania Tingitana), Roman gods and goddesses were worshipped, particularly in urban centers like Volubilis. Temples to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva were built, and Roman religious practices were observed.
  • Hellenistic Influence: Greek gods were also venerated due to the influence of Hellenistic culture, particularly in the eastern Mediterranean and North Africa.

4. Judaism:

  • Jewish Communities: Judaism had a presence in Morocco long before the advent of Islam. Jewish communities were established by Jews fleeing persecution in the Roman Empire, as well as those migrating after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. They lived mainly in urban areas and were integrated into the broader society.
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5. Christianity:

  • Early Christian Influence: Christianity arrived in Morocco during the Roman period, particularly in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. It spread mainly in Romanized urban centers, and by the time of the Islamic conquest, there were Christian communities, particularly among the Roman and Berber populations.
  • Donatism: A particular branch of Christianity known as Donatism, which was prominent in North Africa, had followers in Morocco.


Before the arrival of Islam, Morocco was religiously diverse, with indigenous Berber animist and polytheist beliefs, Punic religion from Carthaginian settlers, Roman and Hellenistic religious practices, and established Jewish and Christian communities. This diversity was gradually replaced or absorbed into the Islamic culture following the Arab conquests in the 7th century.

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