Who was Idris II?

Idris II (Idris ibn Idris) was a significant figure in Moroccan history, known for consolidating the Idrisid Dynasty and for his role in the expansion and development of the city of Fez. Here’s an overview of his life and contributions:

1. Early Life:

  • Birth: Idris II was born in 791 CE, shortly after the assassination of his father, Idris I, who was the founder of the Idrisid Dynasty. Idris II was born in Volubilis (Walili), where his father had established the Idrisid state.
  • Assumption of Power: He was only a child when his father was assassinated, and he was raised under the guardianship of his father’s followers, particularly the Berber Awraba tribe. He officially took on leadership responsibilities at a young age, around the age of 11.

2. Reign and Consolidation of Power:

  • Expansion of the Idrisid State: Idris II worked to expand and consolidate the territories that his father had begun to unify. He strengthened the Idrisid state by building alliances with various Berber tribes and extending control over much of northern Morocco.
  • Religious Leadership: As a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, Idris II held significant religious authority, which he used to promote Islam in the region and to reinforce the Islamic identity of his state.

3. Founding and Development of Fez:

  • Expansion of Fez: Idris II is credited with expanding the city of Fez, which his father had initially founded. He established a new quarter on the western bank of the Fez River around 809 CE, which became known as Al-‘Aliya.
  • Cultural and Religious Center: Under Idris II’s leadership, Fez became a prominent cultural and religious center. The city attracted immigrants from Andalusia (Muslim Spain) and Kairouan (in modern-day Tunisia), who contributed to its growth and development. Fez eventually became one of the most important cities in the Islamic world.
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4. Administrative and Political Structure:

  • Centralization: Idris II centralized the administration of his realm, establishing Fez as the capital and unifying various tribes under his rule. He played a key role in organizing the state and laying the groundwork for future governance.
  • Economic Development: Idris II’s reign also saw the development of trade and agriculture, further stabilizing the region and contributing to the prosperity of the Idrisid state.

5. Death and Legacy:

  • Death: Idris II died in 828 CE at the age of 37. After his death, his realm was divided among his sons, leading to a period of fragmentation. However, the foundations he laid for the Idrisid state and the city of Fez endured.
  • Legacy: Idris II is remembered for solidifying the Idrisid Dynasty’s rule, for promoting Islam in Morocco, and for his role in the establishment and development of Fez as a major cultural and religious hub. His legacy is significant in the history of Morocco and the broader Maghreb region.


Idris II, the son of Idris I, was a key figure in the early Islamic history of Morocco. He expanded and consolidated the Idrisid state, developed the city of Fez, and strengthened the Islamic identity of the region. His reign marked a period of growth and stability that laid the foundations for the future development of Morocco.

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