Which is safer, Turkey or Morocco?

Both Turkey and Morocco are popular tourist destinations, and both are generally safe for travelers. However, safety can vary depending on the region, current events, and individual circumstances. Here’s a comparison of safety considerations for each country:


  • Safety in Major Cities: Istanbul, Ankara, and other major cities are generally safe for tourists, but like in any large city, pickpocketing and petty crime can occur, particularly in crowded tourist areas. Political protests can also occur, so it’s best to avoid large gatherings.
  • Terrorism Risk: Turkey has experienced terrorist attacks in the past, particularly in areas near the Syrian border. However, major tourist areas have increased security, and incidents have been rare in recent years.
  • Travel Advisory: Some regions in eastern Turkey, particularly near the Syrian and Iraqi borders, are considered higher risk due to conflict-related issues.


  • Safety in Major Cities: Cities like Marrakech, Casablanca, and Fes are generally safe for tourists, though petty crime such as pickpocketing and scams can occur in tourist areas and busy markets (souks).
  • Terrorism Risk: Morocco has a lower incidence of terrorism compared to some other countries in the region, but like many places, there is a general risk. The Moroccan government has increased security measures, particularly in tourist areas.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Morocco is a conservative country, so respecting local customs, particularly regarding dress and behavior, is important for avoiding unwanted attention.

General Safety Tips for Both Countries:

  • Stay aware of your surroundings and avoid displaying valuables.
  • Be cautious of scams or overly persistent touts in tourist areas.
  • Follow local news and government travel advisories before and during your trip.
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Both Turkey and Morocco are relatively safe for tourists, especially in popular tourist areas. Morocco might be considered somewhat safer overall due to a lower risk of terrorism, but Turkey remains safe in most regions with proper precautions. It’s essential to stay updated on travel advisories and exercise common travel safety practices in both countries.

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