what is tagine?

Tagine (sometimes spelled tajine) is both a traditional Moroccan dish and the name of the earthenware pot used to cook it. Here’s a breakdown of what tagine is:

1. Tagine Dish:

  • Ingredients: Tagine dishes typically include a combination of meat (such as lamb, chicken, or beef), vegetables, fruits (like apricots or prunes), and a rich blend of spices (such as saffron, cumin, coriander, and cinnamon). Seafood and vegetarian versions are also common.
  • Preparation: The ingredients are cooked slowly in the tagine pot, allowing flavors to meld together and create a flavorful, tender stew. The slow cooking process helps to retain moisture and enhance the taste of the dish.
  • Varieties: There are many types of tagine dishes, such as:
    • Tagine of Lamb with Apricots: A sweet and savory dish combining lamb with dried apricots, almonds, and spices.
    • Chicken Tagine with Preserved Lemons and Olives: A popular dish featuring chicken, preserved lemons, green olives, and a fragrant mix of spices.
    • Vegetable Tagine: A hearty vegetarian option with various vegetables and spices.

2. Tagine Pot:

  • Design: The tagine pot is a traditional cooking vessel made from clay. It has a distinctive conical lid that helps to circulate steam and retain moisture during cooking.
  • Usage: The pot is designed to be used over a low heat, which allows the ingredients to cook slowly and evenly. It can be used on a stovetop or in an oven, depending on the recipe and the type of tagine.

Cooking Process:

  1. Searing: The meat is often seared in the tagine pot first to develop a rich flavor.
  2. Layering: Vegetables, fruits, and spices are added in layers, with the lid placed on top.
  3. Slow Cooking: The dish is cooked over low heat for several hours, allowing the flavors to blend and the meat to become tender.
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  • Accompaniments: Tagine is typically served with couscous, bread, or rice. It is often enjoyed with a side of fresh salad or pickles.

Cultural Significance:

  • Traditional Dish: Tagine is a staple of Moroccan cuisine and is commonly prepared for family gatherings and special occasions.
  • Regional Variations: Each region of Morocco may have its own variations and unique takes on tagine, reflecting local ingredients and culinary traditions.


Tagine is a beloved Moroccan dish known for its rich, complex flavors and tender texture. The name also refers to the traditional cooking vessel used to prepare it, making tagine an integral part of Moroccan culinary heritage.

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