
Mkharka (also spelled Mkharqa or Mkharka) is a traditional Moroccan pastry, often considered a type of sweet cookie or biscuit. Here’s an overview:


  • Appearance: Mkharka is typically a small, round, and flat pastry that may have a slightly cracked surface. It’s often dusted with powdered sugar.
  • Texture: The texture is usually crisp and crumbly, with a delicate and slightly airy consistency.


  • Flour: The primary base ingredient.
  • Butter: Provides richness and a tender texture.
  • Sugar: For sweetness.
  • Baking Powder or Yeast: To help the dough rise and become light.
  • Spices: Cinnamon or other spices may be added for flavor.
  • Optional Add-ins: Sometimes includes nuts, seeds, or dried fruits.


  1. Mixing: Combine flour, sugar, and any spices. Add butter and mix until the dough is crumbly. Some recipes may use baking powder or yeast to help with leavening.
  2. Shaping: Form the dough into small rounds or shapes.
  3. Baking: Bake in a preheated oven until golden and crisp.
  4. Finishing: Dust with powdered sugar or glaze if desired.


  • Occasions: Mkharka is often enjoyed as a snack with tea or coffee. It can also be served during special occasions, such as holidays or family gatherings.
  • Presentation: Typically served alongside other Moroccan sweets or pastries as part of a larger spread.

Flavor and Texture:

  • Flavor: Mkharka has a mild, sweet flavor, often enhanced with spices like cinnamon. It is less rich than some other Moroccan sweets but has a pleasant, comforting taste.
  • Texture: Crisp and slightly crumbly, making it a delightful accompaniment to a hot beverage.

Mkharka is a classic example of Moroccan pastry that combines simplicity with deliciousness, making it a popular choice for both everyday enjoyment and special occasions.

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