Is Morocco safer than Mexico?

When comparing the safety of Morocco and Mexico, the situation varies depending on the region within each country, the type of travel you plan to do, and how well you prepare. Here’s a comparison of safety considerations for both countries:


  • General Safety: Morocco is generally considered safe for tourists, especially in major cities like Marrakech, Casablanca, and Fes. While petty crime like pickpocketing and scams can occur in crowded markets or tourist spots, violent crime against tourists is relatively rare.
  • Terrorism Risk: Morocco has a lower terrorism risk compared to many countries, and the government has implemented extensive security measures, particularly in tourist areas.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Morocco is a conservative Muslim country, so respecting local customs, especially regarding dress and behavior, can help avoid misunderstandings or negative experiences.
  • Political Stability: Morocco is politically stable compared to many neighboring countries in North Africa and the Middle East, which contributes to its relative safety.


  • General Safety: Safety in Mexico varies widely depending on the region. Popular tourist destinations like Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Mexico City are generally safe for tourists, but certain areas, particularly near the U.S. border and in some states with drug cartel activity, have higher crime rates, including violent crime.
  • Crime Risk: Mexico struggles with organized crime, particularly related to drug cartels, which can make certain areas dangerous. However, tourists are usually not the target, and incidents are more common in specific regions.
  • Tourist Areas: In well-known tourist areas, there is a strong police presence and increased security measures, making these places relatively safe for visitors. However, petty crime, such as theft and scams, can still occur.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Mexico is culturally diverse, and while there is no strict dress code as in Morocco, it’s still important to respect local customs and be aware of your surroundings.
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  • Morocco is generally considered safer than Mexico overall, especially due to lower levels of violent crime and less widespread issues with organized crime. Morocco’s political stability and strong security measures in tourist areas also contribute to a safer environment for travelers.
  • Mexico, while offering many safe tourist destinations, faces more significant challenges related to organized crime in certain areas. Travelers to Mexico should research specific regions and stay updated on safety advice to ensure a secure visit.

Ultimately, both countries can be safe for tourists with proper precautions, but Morocco is often seen as safer overall.

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