How to avoid snakes sharmer in Marrakesh?

If you want to avoid interacting with snake charmers in Marrakech, especially if you’re uncomfortable around snakes, here are some tips:

**1. Stay in Busy, Well-Lit Areas:

  • Main Tourist Areas: Stick to well-traveled and well-lit areas like the central parts of Jemaa el-Fnaa during the day. Snake charmers are usually concentrated in specific areas of the square, so staying away from those zones can help you avoid them.

**2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings:

  • Observation: Pay attention to the presence of snake charmers in your vicinity. They typically set up their displays in specific spots, so being observant can help you navigate around them.

**3. Avoid Direct Contact:

  • Don’t Approach: If you see a snake charmer setting up their performance or interacting with snakes, avoid approaching them. Keep a safe distance to avoid being drawn into the performance.

**4. Plan Your Route:

  • Navigation: Plan your route through the square or market to bypass areas where snake charmers are known to operate. Asking locals or guides for advice on avoiding these areas can be helpful.

**5. Use Local Guides:

  • Guided Tours: Consider using a local guide for navigating busy areas. They can help you avoid specific sections of the market where snake charmers are active.

**6. Communicate Your Preferences:

  • Express Concerns: If you are on a guided tour or with a local, let them know you prefer to avoid areas with snake charmers. They can help you navigate around these attractions.

**7. Stay Informed:

  • Research: Before you go, research the layout of Jemaa el-Fnaa and other popular areas to understand where snake charmers are commonly located. This can help you plan your visit more effectively.
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By following these tips, you can comfortably enjoy the other aspects of Marrakech without encountering snake charmers if that’s your preference.

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