How much money do I need for 7 days in Morocco?

The amount of money you’ll need for a 7-day trip to Morocco can vary depending on your travel style, preferences, and activities. Here’s a rough estimate for different budget categories:

1. Budget Traveler:

  • Accommodation: $10–$30 per night in hostels or budget hotels.
  • Food: $5–$10 per meal for street food or budget restaurants.
  • Transportation: $5–$15 per day using public transportation or shared taxis.
  • Attractions: $5–$15 per day for entrance fees to museums and sites.
  • Total: Approximately $300–$450 for 7 days.

2. Mid-Range Traveler:

  • Accommodation: $30–$70 per night in mid-range hotels or riads.
  • Food: $10–$25 per meal in mid-range restaurants.
  • Transportation: $15–$30 per day for a mix of public transportation and taxis.
  • Attractions and Activities: $15–$30 per day for entrance fees, guided tours, or excursions.
  • Total: Approximately $700–$1,200 for 7 days.

3. Luxury Traveler:

  • Accommodation: $100–$300 per night in luxury hotels or riads.
  • Food: $30–$60 per meal in upscale restaurants.
  • Transportation: $30–$60 per day for private taxis or car rentals.
  • Attractions and Activities: $30–$100 per day for high-end guided tours, excursions, or spa treatments.
  • Total: Approximately $1,500–$3,000+ for 7 days.

Additional Considerations:

  • Shopping: If you plan to shop for souvenirs, rugs, or other items, budget extra for this.
  • Tips and Gratuities: Tipping is customary in Morocco, so budget a small amount for tips in restaurants, hotels, and for guides.
  • Emergencies: Always have a small buffer for unexpected expenses.


For a 7-day trip to Morocco, you can expect to spend approximately:

  • Budget Traveler: $300–$450
  • Mid-Range Traveler: $700–$1,200
  • Luxury Traveler: $1,500–$3,000+

These estimates include accommodation, food, transportation, and activities, but actual costs can vary based on your specific plans and preferences.

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